Call for Application!

BIRDS-X Team invites application for APRS Mission Payload Design Competition. The competition will be performed in three phases.

Phases leading to selection of payload

Phase 1

Phase 1 will determine the motivation, objectives and expected outcomes of all teams for participating in the BIRDS-X APRS Payload Design Competition. Selection of teams will be made based on the submitted application form and video explaining the motivation, objective, and concept of operations. The application form is available at Application Form

Phase 2

Phase 2 is to determine the commitment and progress of all teams for the development of BIRDS-X APRS Payload and select the 10 best teams to proceed to Phase 3Each team should have a bread board model developed, Proof of Concept of operation verified and have preliminary test results. Selection of teams will be based on the deliverables summarized in the Progress Report form available on website. More detailed interface control document (ICD) and webinars will be provided for any additional information.

Phase 3

Phase 3 is to select the final 5(6) payload designs that will be launched in the BIRD-X satellite. Selection of the final teams will be performed based on the technical compatibility of the submitted Engineering Models with the satellite bus. The payloads will be integrated with the satellite bus and series of tests will be performed. 

Please find the detailed informations regarding the competition in the following handbook.